We make kids’ future ready.
At Kinder Koder we use fun games and activities to develop computational thinking in kindergarten students (3-7 years of age).
Aligned with international standards such as – CSTA (Computer Science Teachers Association), UK’s computing at school, Singapore’s computing education framework and India’s CMC, we have developed our own teaching framework which is tailor made for kindergarten and elementary school students.

“Computational thinking is the thought process involved in formulating a problem and expressing its solution(s) in such a way that a computer – human or machine- can effectively carry out.“
Jeannette Wing
What is Computational Thinking ?
Computational thinking is what we do all the time but unknowingly. Consider for example you want to make a sandwich. Sounds like a simple problem. However it creates many sub-problems.
- Which sandwich ?
- What are the ingredients ?
- What is the recipe ?
And then for each sub problem you follow a series of steps. That makes you a computational thinker.
It’s the process of breaking down a problem into simple enough steps that even a computer would understand. And computers take precise and detailed instructions.
This term “computational thinking” has gained popularity in recent years. One of early uses of this term was by Jeannette M. Wing in 2006 who was then the head of the Computer Science Department at Carnegie Mellon University.
Computational thinking is an important life skill. Every child should develop this irrespective of their career choice later. Yes, even those who don’t want to be computer programmers.It develops critical thinking and creativity as you learn to find new ways to solve a problem.

Brief story of Vidhi
I am a tech enthusiast mother of two, who wants her kids to be critical thinkers and innovators.
I always had a keen interest in “Early Years Education”. When my son was 3 years old I could already see him being good at problem solving and logic reasoning. This made me look around for places which nurture this ability in kindergarten students. However I was surprised that most enrichment centres don’t cater to this age group and the ones that do mainly rely on ipad or computer screens.
As a mother I struggle daily to limit my son’s screen time. Being a computer programmer myself I decided to develop unplugged activities to teach him concepts such as sequencing, decomposition, pattern recognition which are all essential parts of computational thinking. I was amazed to see his excitement with every new activity we tried which motivated me to share my learnings with other parents and educators.
From thereon, I spent months and months on research and have put together a framework for teaching computational thinking to kids. This is aligned with most international standards such as CSTA (US), CAS (UK), Computing education framework (SG) andCMC (India).
Kinder Koder’s aim is to help anyone, anywhere, anytime learn computational thinking skills and have fun along the way. We do children’s workshops and also provide workbooks for kids to practice at home.
Let’s make our kids future ready!
Educational Background
Vidhi is a double Gold Medalist in B.Tech (Comp. Science) and M.B.A. After completing my M.B.A from the prestigious XLRI, Jamshedpur I worked in the corporate sector for over 10 years serving tech giants like Google and Facebook.
She started Kinder Koder in 2020 out of my desire to teach children computational thinking without increasing their screen time.

Meet Vidhi in person
Vidhi conducts workshops for the National Library Board of Singapore. You can find more about upcoming workshops here

Our Framework